We know. God made us so....................
Keep you eye on God.............................
..........................God is. He always was.
He always will be....................................
No matter what... it is God.....................
He is gracious and merciful...................
It is most important that I know Thee...
Words, sounds, speech, men, memory,
................................................ thoughts,
fears and emotions – time – all related.
....all made from one... all made in one.
....Blessed be His name..........................
Thought waves – heat waves.................
.................................... – all vibrations –
all paths lead to God..............................
................................ Thank you God.......
His way... it is so lovely...........................
........................................... it’s gracious.
It is merciful. Thank you God.................
......................One thought can produce
..............................millions of vibrations
and they all go back to God...................
.....................................everything does.
Thank you God........................................
All from God..............................................
Thank you God.........................................
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